Hi Everyone!
We arrived safely back in Blacksburg Sunday night and have been slowly adjusting back into small town life and homework since then. We are all still excited and enthusiastic about our amazing trip and still thinking about all of the things we learned and people we met. The culture and pride New Orleans has is remarkable and being there made me think very hard about my definition of home and service. We all tried new things and took our service work very seriously. Getting up on scaffolding and ladders was terrifying but it was awesome to feel so accomplished after a long hard day of work. This photo is of some of our group and two of the amazing NOLA ladies we met and the French Market. They were so spirited and welcoming we had a great morning at their restaurant!
Don't forget to check out our website. www.hillel.org.vt.edu
A paint sprayer can save hours of job when used correctly so that it can be worth their price for various projects. The key is to understand what unit might be the best for certain projects.