Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday January 2, 2012

Today was a very different day from all the rest! Unfortunately, it was the first day we faced the elements and whipped out our rain slickers, for it was coming down like cats and dogs! We were scheduled to go to a nature preserve in the Golan Heights and have a short hike, but we were foiled. Instead, we took a long driving tour of the Heights and watched a movie about the Valley of Tears battle that took place there. It was a battle against Syria where the Israeli army was vastly outnumbered and still came out victorious.
Then we had a short activity to start the goodbyes to our Israeli Soldiers. Everybody wrote a short little note about how our new friends affected us in their short time on our trip. The word awesome was thrown around almost excessively.
We then went to Mount Bental where there was an old bunker and lots of interesting artwork created by a local artist to represent the events that took place there and also the lives of the Israeli civilians that live in the area. We got stuck in the bunker behind a loud group of cheering Italians and ended up yelling “Lets Go/Hokies” out of restlessness.
After Mount Bental, we had lunch at a mall in the Golan Heights where the primary customers in the food court were Birthrighters. There was a falafel stand claiming it was “The Best Falafel in the World/Welcome Taglit”. The proprietor was a loud man wearing a Taglit Birthright t-shirt; he is doing great business.
We were headed to an overlook where you can see the border of Lebanon from Israel but the rain was continuing to pour down. Yoav, Amanda and Lauren made a game time decision to take us on a tour of a local Winery! This was a great surprise and went over well with the group. The winery was fun and we tasted three wines and took a stroll around the store. Many people bought gifts to take home to their parents so cross your fingers! You may be getting something tasty and very Israeli, Parents!
Finally, we headed to the bus station in Tiberius to bid our soldiers farewell. Everyone hugged and kissed and made promises to see each other in the future. We are all bummed that they’re gone – we had an absolutely amazing time getting to know our Israeli peers. Personally, I felt they were one of the most beneficial aspects of the entire Birthright trip. Meeting people our own age who are being forced to grow up much quicker for the sake of their country was extremely moving. It put my life in perspective and is giving me a much greater appreciation of all the blessings in my life.
Tonight we’re going to write postcards and enjoy some tea and cookies. The trip is beginning to wind down but I don’t want it to be over any time soon.
Nikki Kosnett

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